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Loneliness Awareness Week Launch in Armagh

10 June 2024

Loneliness Awareness Week Launch in Armagh

Vicki our Director was delighted to attend the launch of the week in Armagh Banbridge Craigavon Councils Palace Stables to launch Loneliness Awareness Week 2024.  As the theme of this years campaign is Random Acts of Connection LGNI are calling on our supporters to take an intergenerational approach to connecting people of all ages in our communities.
Thanks to ABC Loneliness Network and Age-friendly Officer for the invite to speak and to everyone who took part in this fabulous event and the intergenerational growing activities!  See the video below:
Check out our page for Loneliness Awareness Week page Ideas and inspiration https://www.linkinggenerationsni.com/news/loneliness-awareness-week-2024/