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Global Intergenerational Week 2023

Join us for a global intergenerational journey
24 April – 30 April 2023

What is Global Intergenerational Week

This page acts as an archive for Global Intergenerational Week 2023, a campaign connecting everyone who is passionate about everything intergenerational. 2023 was the fourth year of the campaign and we were so enthused by its success being bigger and better than ever with 14 countries participating! The week ran from 24th April – 30th April 2023 and inspired individuals, groups, organisations, local/national government and NGO’s to fully embrace intergenerational practice, connecting people of all ages especially the younger and older generations. The campaign celebrated good practice, ideas, moments and opportunities local to us where different age groups come together, and intergenerational friendships can be formed! Check out this years Global Intergenerational Impact Week Report by clicking HERE, see LGNI activities below and the 
Global IG Week Main Page for updates and news on next years campaign!

Global Intergenerational Week 2023!

Thanks so much to everyone that got involved in the 2023 Global Intergenerational Week Campaign!  Check out the list below for a run down on all of the activities:

  • Sign up as a supporter – See how many organisations showed their support for #GIW23 by adding their logo to the supporters page!

  • Check out our resources that supported/inspired the development of intergenerational events/activities to celebrate #GIW23 download LGNI’s #GIW23 Ideas/Activity Guide 

  • Check out Intergenerational Week Events- Register Here

  • Read our news item and view the winning entry of LGNI’s Global Intergenerational Week Photo Competition ‘Connecting Generations’!  Click Here 

  • Download the GIW Resource Pack for all the graphics including the Supporters Pack filled with info and pre made social media posts! 

  • LGNI’s All Ages April Grants aim to support lots of connections during the month of April.  See the amazing actvities this years 40 grants supported! Click Here

  • Check out LGNI’s intergenerational resources section for ideas and our Partnership Resources with Twinkl NI specially designed for use by teachers.  Useful all year round!

  • Check out the 9 PINK Council Buildings lit up to support #GIW23 Click Here 

  • Get in touch with us if you have ideas for promotion or collaboration on next years campaign #GIW24!  

Global Intergenerational Week UK Launch Event

The Global Intergenerational Week Executive Team were delighted to launch of #GIW23 on the 14th February! Attendees joined this special event featuring representatives from Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, and England. The team shared information about our campaign, planned activities and how to get involved! This year, we are bringing together 15 countries from around the world to celebrate all things intergenerational! Just in case you missed it you can watch a recording of the event webinar via the button below!