We have over 970 network members

Mid Ulster

Mid Ulster

Our 11 intergenerational networks are FREE to join and support communities across Northern Ireland to grow and nourish Intergenerational relationships locally

Local Coordinator

Elaine Brownlee pen pic

Elaine Brownlee

Co-ordinator for Derry & Strabane, Causeway Coast & Glens, Fermanagh & Omagh and Mid Ulster



Welcome to the Mid Ulster Intergenerational network. Here you can explore the latest news and network events relevant to growing intergenerational connections in your local council area and make contact with your local network co-ordinator. Signing up as a free member of this network will give you the opportunity to link with people, organisations and practitioners passionate about connecting older and younger people in your local area, via our regular network events, training and opportunities.

Local Coordinator

Elaine Brownlee pen pic

Elaine Brownlee

Co-ordinator for Derry & Strabane, Causeway Coast & Glens, Fermanagh & Omagh and Mid Ulster

Network Events

#GIW24-Raising the Quality of Intergenerational Practice Webinar
#GIW24 – Webinar – The importance of intergenerational learning: Putting knowledge into practice.
#GIW24 Teachers Webinar – Get Involved!

Network News

VOYPIC and Dee Street Over 50’s get Cooking!
LGNI visits Laurelhill Community College!
Positive Ageing Month Intergenerational Inspiration!

Meet the Member