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Training Advice and Support

Find out what training advice and support is available to help you on your intergenerational journey

Linking Generations Northern Ireland believes that intergenerational connections thrive best when communities are empowered with the tools and expertise to grow and nourish them from within.
Through offering training, advice and support we strive to build capacity within communities and organisations to equip them with the skills, knowledge, and ideas necessary to undertake their own intergenerational activity.

We are delighted to now offer CPD accredited training in Intergenerational Practice through the CPD Standards Office –

Linking Generations Northern Ireland – The CPD Standards Office

What’s Included?

Delivered over 3 modules, What Is Intergenerational Practice, Bringing Generations Together, Evaluating Social Impact and Promoting Sustainability – trainees are supported from generating an intergenerational idea through to all the stages of developing and delivering a project. The course ends by advising how to evaluate success/social impact and exploring how to make your intergenerational approach sustainable.

Who is it for?

The course is designed for any community worker or practitioner wishing to develop intergenerational approaches into their practice. This includes but is not exclusive to the following sectors/fields;

  • Community and Voluntary
  • Health & Social Care
  • Community Development
  • Education
  • Community Safety
  • Sheltered Housing
  • Arts, Culture and Heritage


Our course accreditation is now approved with CPD and trainees will receive a certificate and 4.75 hours of CPD .

How much does it cost?

As part of an LGNI planned session with at least 14 attendees we charge £35 for CPD accreditation.  We are also happy to provide organisations or groups with bespoke sessions with cost dependent on numbers, organisation type and follow up support. Our training can be delivered online or face to face and over 1 day or a few sessions, please contact vicki.titterington@bjf.org.uk to discuss your needs.

When’s the next training date?

We organise sessions based on interest scroll down for more info or check out all upcoming events.

If there are no sessions planned and you would like to express your interest get in touch.

Our training is currently being delivered online and face to face.

How do I book a place?

To book your place please scroll down for available sessions or get in touch to express your interest.

Further information:

We want to support the development and delivery of intergenerational projects and are delighted to be able to offer some financial support. If you have any questions or want to find out more get in touch with Vicki by emailing: vicki.titterington@bjf.org.uk

Are you interested in getting your school or your childs school involved in intergenerational practice?  Linking Generations recognise the opportunity that schools and their pupils offer to making intergenerational connections in the communities they live in and we would love to work with you!  We have developed some short sessions aimed at Primary School age which fit well with the PDMU element of the Curriculum and The Every School a Good School Policy.  These sessions focus on Age Awareness, Dementia Friendly, How my School can be Age-friendly and developing ideas for intergenerational connection and activity with local older people in the community.  LGNI would also signpost teachers to our accredited training above.  For more information contact vicki.titterington@bjf.org.uk and check out the following news items:

Let’s be Age-friendly at Gilnahirk Primary School – Linking Generations NI

Gilnahirk P7 Pupils Spread joy – Linking Generations NI

Ballygowan Schools reach out to elderly – Linking Generations NI

School Pupils Dementia Awareness Training – Linking Generations NI


Are you a FE College Teacher or Student and feel that your students and studies could benefit from intergenerational training?  LGNI have been delivering our Accredited Intergenerational Training to Health & Social Care and Early Students which has enabled them to develop intergenerational links within their college.  Students and tutors have given positive feedback of the of the contribution to their studies and as an opportunity for practice based learning.

Check out the following links:

Intergenerational Training with Students – Linking Generations NI

Success for South West College Students – Linking Generations NI

Intergenerational Training for SRC Newry Students Completed! – Linking Generations NI

Linking Generations Northern Ireland – Posts | Facebook

Linking Generations Northern Ireland – Posts | Facebook

LGNI have been inspired by the contribution that young people and their school and groups make to the development and delivery of local intergenerational activities and connection.  We are passionate about empowering young people to take the lead on developing intergenerational ideas in the communities they go to school.  Not only does this contribute to educational outcomes such a skills for life and work, communication, listening and critical thinking but helps achieve their schools Every School a Good School commitments and improves the lives of older people.  If you are interested in getting your school or pupils involved please get in touch with Lynne.bennett@bjf.org.uk

Check out the following links:

School Pupils take the lead on Intergenerational Action in Portadown! – Linking Generations NI

New-bridge College Students Take Intergenerational Action! – Linking Generations NI

Nendrum College link with Stepping Stones Comber! – Linking Generations NI

LGNI recognise the contribution that the development if of intergenerational connections and activities can make to the lives of older people living in care homes as well as to the achievement of department of health care home standards.  LGNI have a vast experience of providing training and support to care home staff to enable them to develop intergenerational approaches to home life.  If you are interested in accessing LGNI support please get in touch with vicki.titterington@bjf.org.uk and check out the links below for examples of our work:

Connecting Care Homes and Communities – Linking Generations NI

My Home Life Intergenerational Training – Linking Generations NI

Creating Intergenerational Connections Report Launched! – Linking Generations NI

Linking Generations Northern Ireland can provide bespoke training offerings and workshops tailored to meet the needs and requirements of groups, practitioners or organisations. We are also keen to partner on projects utilising our training expertise and offerings.  We have successfully delivered bespoke sessions for a range of groups and organisations.  If you are interested in discussing options, we would love to hear from you so please contact us today : vicki.titterington@bjf.org.uk or 07732875409

Check out the following links:

LGNI Training with NI Museum Council Staff – Linking Generations NI

LGNI training for Clanmil Scheme Coordinators – Linking Generations NI

National Youth Council of Ireland LGNI Workshop – Linking Generations NI

Developing Intergenerational Ideas in Ards & North Down! – Linking Generations NI

Intergenerational Summer Scheme Fun! – Linking Generations NI

Linking Generations Northern Ireland staff work across all 11 council areas in Northern Ireland and are available to discuss your needs relating to local intergenerational activity and offer support to overcome challenges. If you have questions or would like to seek support in relation to adopting intergenerational approaches, please contact us for a chat here and join up free to your local Intergenerational network to access networking opportunities, resources and support within your local area here

Upcoming Training Events

Select the event below which interests you and register.
#GIW24 - Webinar - The importance of intergenerational learning: Putting knowledge into practice.
It can be hard to know quite where to start in terms of building knowledge, to ensure that the intergenerational sessions you may be planning are of good quality, and meet the core principles of intergenerational work and practice. This webinar will explore the various types of training that is available from leading intergenerational organisations AHN...
Topic Training

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