We have over 945 network members

Our Networks

Our 11 networks support communities across Northern Ireland to grow and nourish intergenerational relationshipslocally
To support communities to work together to nourish intergenerational relationships, Linking Generations NI have developed local networks in every council area in Northern Ireland and we want you to get involved!
Whether you are a youth worker, school teacher, older person, care home manager or a community worker, our networks are here to support your ideas and help them grow. Get involved and help us help you bring generations together in the community where you work, live or go to school.

Find your Nearest Network

Click on your local nearest council area to visit your local network page

Antrim & Newtownabbey

Coordinator - Joyce Savage

Ards & North Down

Coordinator - Joyce Savage

Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon

Coordinator - Vicki Titterington

Belfast City

Coordinator - Vicki Titterington

Causeway Coast & Glens

Coordinator - Elaine Brownlee

Derry City & Strabane

Coordinator - Elaine Brownlee

Fermanagh & Omagh

Coordinator - Elaine Brownlee

Lisburn & Castlereagh

Coordinator - Joyce Savage

Mid & East Antrim

Coordinator - Joyce Savage

Mid Ulster

Coordinator - Elaine Brownlee

Newry, Mourne & Down

Coordinator - Lynne Bennett

Sign Up Free

Click this box to sign up to your Local Intergenerational Network

What are the Benefits of Joining one of our Local Networks?

Click on your local nearest council area to visit your local network page


Our networks are free to join and support you to:

Receive a regular e-bulletin containing all the latest intergenerational news, information, resources and opportunities happening locally to you

Share best practice and information

Create new partnerships locally and nationally

Strengthen community links

Access support and training opportunities to help you develop intergenerational ideas

Access networking opportunities – members come from the public, private and third sector

Receive information and guidance regarding funding for local and national project activity and development

Access a wealth of  intergenerational case studies

Opportunity to have your say in LGNI’s plans and strategies for supporting and developing intergenerational work across NI in the future.

Fey Cole

Fey Cole, Early Years Lecturer from South West College talks about the benefits of becoming a member of one of Linking Generation NI’s local networks