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Global Intergenerational Week 2024

Join us for a Global Celebration of everything Intergenerational! 
24 April – 30 April 2024

What is Global Intergenerational Week

Global Intergenerational Week is a campaign connecting everyone who is passionate about everything intergenerational. 2024 is the fourth year of this amazing campaign and we are so excited by last years success and anticipate this year being bigger and better than ever!  The week will run from 24th April – 30th April 2024 and aims to inspire individuals, groups, organisations, local/national government and NGO’s to fully embrace intergenerational practice, connecting people of all ages especially the younger and older generations. The campaign will celebrate good practice, ideas, moments and opportunities local to us where different age groups come together, and intergenerational friendships can be formed! Check out the 2023 Global Intergenerational Week Impact Week Report by clicking HERE and keep an eye on this page and the   
Global IG Week Main Page for updates and campaign news!

Global Intergenerational Week 2024 in NI!

Thanks so much for your interest in the Global Intergenerational Week Campaign!  We are currently planning and developing the campaigns activities but here’s what we’ve got so far just click on the blue links for more info: