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Accredited Intergenerational Training for Care Home/Setting Staff

17 January 2023

Accredited Intergenerational Training Opportunity for Care Homes & Settings - Registration now Open!

Following on from the success of LGNI's Connecting Care Homes & Communities Project and further training sessions.  LGNI are delighted to be able to open registrations for our next cohort of trainees!

The next training course will be delivered via zoom and over 3 sessions:

  1. Wednesday 8th February 11:45am-1:15pm
  2. Wednesday 15th February 11:45pm -1:15pm
  3. Thursday 23rd February 11:45am-1:15pm

Click this link to register for this training!

Are you interested in developing intergenerational connections but just aren't sure how to do it, need ideas and support to help you develop links? Our 4.75 hour CPD accredited Intergenerational training is a great place to start.

How is it Delivered?

Delivered over 3 modules (3 short sessions) the training covers:

  • What is Intergenerational practice?
  • Good practice in preparing and bringing generations together (plus activity ideas for virtual and at a distance
  • Evaluation methods and sustainability

You will also receive a completion certificate with 4.75 hours CPD (Linking Generations Northern Ireland - The CPD Standards Office) and a copy of LGNI's 'An Intergenerational Practice Toolkit for Care Homes & Settings'.

How Much will it Cost?

There is a small cost of £25 for 4.75 hours CPD accreditation.  LGNI staff will follow up for payment once you have registered.

If this sounds like something that you would like to take part in we would love to have you on board! Please register to attend here.

If having problems downloading please contact Lynne.bennett@bjf.org.uk

Some feedback from previous trainees has included:

"It’s been a great pleasure for all of us involved here at Phoenix, we are super excited to put our new training into practice with some amazing ideas thank you for the brilliant opportunity given"

"I feel more empowered to move forward with intergenerational activities in the future particularly because of the resources that have been shared with us-it is heartening to see what can be achieved with so little."

"It follows all the RQIA guidelines so helps us to fulfil various areas of the required elements"