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Accredited Intergenerational Training for Teachers/Educators!

1 September 2022

Accredited Intergenerational Training for Teachers/Educators

As its 'Back to School' time LGNI thought it would be a perfect opportunity to promote this new training opportunity targeted at teachers/educators.  LGNI's research highlights that intergenerational connections aren't just great fun for all involved but support the achievement of educational outcomes too!

Click this link to express your interest in this training!

Check out LGNI's Research: An Intergenerational Approach to Improving Skills and Educational Outcomes for Children and Young People in Northern Ireland.

The research shows that intergenerational activities support a range of curricular areas including: Personal Development & Mutual Understanding, Skills for Life & Work, Citizenship, Health & Social Care, Volunteering and much more.  It also contributes to the community links element of the Department of Education NI's Every School a Good School Policy.  Check out this video from the Previous Minister of Education NI re his support for the research also at the bottom of this page.

Are you a teacher/educator and interested in developing intergenerational connections in your school but just aren't sure how to do it, need ideas and support to help you develop links? Our 4.75 hour CPD accredited Intergenerational training is a great place to start.

How is it Delivered?

Delivered over 3 modules (1 day or 3 short sessions) the training covers:

  • What is Intergenerational practice?
  • Good practice in preparing and bringing generations together (plus activity ideas for virtual and at a distance
  • Evaluation methods and sustainability


You will also receive a completion certificate with 4.75 hours CPD (Linking Generations Northern Ireland - The CPD Standards Office) and a copy of LGNI's Training Manual to refer back to!

How Much will it Cost?

There is a small cost of £25 for 4.75 hours CPD accreditation and dates are TBC dependent on interest. We are flexible re the delivery of this training e.g. 3 x 1.5 hour sessions (range of times) or 1 day also via zoom or face to face

If this sounds like something that you would like to take part in we would love to have you on board! Please complete this online expression of interest form here

If having problems accessing this form or have any questions please contact vicki.titterington@bjf.org.uk or 07732875409.

Feedback from previous trainee:

"I feel more empowered to move forward with intergenerational activities in the future particularly because of the resources that have been shared with us-it is heartening to see what can be achieved with so little."