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Adopt a Grandparent NI call for support with distributing letters!

5 July 2022

Can you get involved by supporting the distribution of letters to older people in your community or setting?

As part of 'Loneliness Awareness Week' June 2022, Care By, Kathleen launched the 'Adopt A Grandparent' campaign- Northern Ireland.

The idea was inspired by 'CHD Living' who launched their own 'Adopt A Grandparent' campaign for the UK back in 2020 and felt that Northern Ireland would greatly benefit from this too.

So far Adopt a Grandparent NI have had a massive response to their campaign from people offering to write letters and now need support to distribute them!  LGNI are also keen to support these initial at a distance links to become face to face by signposting those involved to our network, training and other opportunities.

LGNI have lots of people on our network who work in Care Homes, older peoples settings and with older people in the community.  If you think you could help out by distributing letters to older people you know or work with please fill in the online form via the link below and Adopt a Grandparent NI will be in touch with you to make arrangements!

Access sign up form here

You can find out more about this campaign by visiting Adopt A Grandparent (carebykathleen.com) and see this news article Adopt a Grandparent scheme helping young and old with loneliness - Belfast Live