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Ageism Action Day 20th March 2024

22 February 2024

Ageism Action Day

20th March 2024!

The Centre for Ageing Better launched their new Action Day in January which provides a chance for everyone to do something to change the narrative about ageing.

It’s an annual day for individuals and communities, workplaces, friends and families to learn, take action and improve lives. The Action Day is on 20th March 2024, and will happen every year around the same time.

What’s the 2024 theme:

See and be seen!  This year the Action Day will be all about challenging the negative way ageing is represented in society.

Why are they doing this?

Age is universal. Regardless of race, gender, ability, sexual orientation - we are all ageing. Not one of us can say that it's 'not my problem'. As  evidence shows, ageism limits everything from our worth to our work, our health to our happiness. Everyone, everywhere has a stake in changing this – and taking part in the Action Day is one way you can help.

LGNI will be supporting this campaign recognising the contribution that intergenerational connections, activities and relationships make to challenging ageism.

For more information on the Ageism Action Day visit - Action Day resources to download | Age without limits

Also check out the fantastic World Health Organisation Connecting Generations Planning and Implementing Intergenerational Contact Resource - created as part of the Global Campaign to Combat Ageism