We have now confirmed the tenth and final project to join our Creating Intergenerational Communities (CIC) programme and are delighted to have such a variation of settings involved from across the province!
The latest organisations to come on board are listed below and will shortly complete their training in Intergenerational Practice and go on to do further training on our developing quality indicators, all which make up our CIC Toolkit!
After many months of bringing this important document to it's current stage, we can't wait to see how it'll further develop after our amazing project leads have trialled it's contents!
Watch this space as the wider project continues to help dozens of settings from across the UK reflect on their quality of intergenerational practice and move it forward!
Glenowen Court (Radius) & Holy Child PS, Belfast
Knockbreda Ps & Annadale Care Home, Belfast
Mid Ulster Area Youth Service & Milesian Care Home, Belfast
Education other than at School (EOTAS) & Ozanman Mens Shed, Lurgan
Check out the CIC project page for more information here Here
55A Frances Street
BT23 7DX
Northern Ireland