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Copelands Care Home put LGNI training into practice!

23 August 2022

Copelands Care Home put LGNI training into practice!

We were delighted to receive these lovely photos from Copelands Care Home in Donaghadee. Just before the end of term Copeland Care Home residents enjoyed a ‘Teddy Bears picnic’ when some pupils from Donaghadee Primary School came up to spend time with them. The children have already sent beautiful cards back thanking them for a wonderful day and everyone hopes to continue their connections in September!
Copelands staff took part in LGNI's Accredited Intergenerational Training for Care Homes and its great to see them put their learning into practice! Intergenerational connections can help achieve Care Home Standards as well as providing educational outcomes!
The photos speak a thousand words! LGNI have lots of training opportunities for schools, community practitioners/leaders, colleges and care settings - check out our website link below for more information.