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Generations on the Same Page – Video Premiere!

21 June 2022
LGNI are delighted to have been involved in the Generations on the Same Page project by facilitating a lovely intergenerational session focusing on the cross-generational power of books and stories!
After yesterday's première and inspiring discussion, we're thrilled to share the short documentary related to our "Generations on the Same Page" project - available to watch at the bottom of this page!
The organisers sent a massive thanks to all involved:
Crescent Arts Centre and the Belfast Book festival for believing in the idea and hosting the event,
AvilaMedia, Michael Avila and Maciek Bator for the wonderful video and all the craic!
Rashid Khaidanov for the stunning photographs,
Radius Housing and Sharon Traynor for the invaluable support and the trillion of ideas - can't wait to work on all of them together!
Linking Generations Northern Ireland - Lynne Bennett for facilitating the workshop, and Victoria Titterington for her inter-generational approach to Life, and for the great ideas and resources shared yesterday,
The Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland and Evelyn Hoy for her competence and enthusiasm in highlighting the benefit of the arts in driving forward active communication within families,
Queen's University Open Learning and Prof Tess Maginess for asking some very deep yet very entertaining questions to yesterday's panel,
Ards Peninsula u3a and Adrianne Brown for the fantastic contribution and participation in the workshop,
But also to all those who took part in the workshop and in the video, and who came to the Crescent yesterday to support inter-generational practice!