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Let’s be Age-friendly at Gilnahirk Primary School

11 May 2022

The Gilnahirk P7 pupils have been busy over the last few months and had made a great start with their All Ages April 2022 project. To further build on this fantastic work; the pupils took part in an Age-friendly workshop to think of ways they can reach out into their community and connect with All Ages.

A Dementia Friend session was delivered to the pupils, to give them a better understanding of how they can be a Dementia Friend Champion and to learn more about Dementia.

The children really got an insight into what it is like for people living with Dementia due to the brilliant interactive session the Alzheimer's Society have developed.

Pupils said, 'It was really interesting.' 'I thought Dementia was just about forgetting things.'

The children were delighted to get their certificates and their Dementia Friend pins.

