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Stormont intergenerational APG on Loneliness

20 March 2023

Stormont intergenerational APG on Loneliness

LGNI were delighted to be involved in the recent Stormont All Part Grouping on Loneliness.  Vicki from LGNI sits on the Action Group for Loneliness Policy and suggested that an intergenerational theme for the March 2023 APG would be timely in the run up to Global Intergenerational Week 2023.  There was a great turn out of over 50 attendees with LGNI presenting on the importance of our intergenerational infrastructure followed by real life examples of intergenerational in practice.

LGNI would like to thank the pupils and staff from New-Bridge Integrated College who presented on their intergenerational journey following training and support from LGNI and network member and previous small grantee Antrim & Newtownabbey Seniors Forum.  Both groups highlighted the benefits of intergenerational connection in addressing loneliness as well as supporting other outcomes such as educational outcomes and health & wellbeing.

Brilliant to have this opportunity to promote intergenerational practice and thanks to our intergenerational champions, the Red Cross (APG sectariat) and Robbie Butler UUP MLA (APG Chair).

More info on New-Bridge Integrated College work can be found here - New-bridge College Students Take Intergenerational Action! – Linking Generations NI
