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Update! Connecting Care Homes to Community Project!

15 February 2022

An Update on Activities 

Although Covid and staffing issues continue to impact on the initial plans in each of the settings we are encouraged by the staff who are adapting creatively to ensure some contact – virtual, outside or by post is maintained.  In these still anxious, isolating times, feeling visible and connected to others is so important. The settings are making local links with schools, sport clubs, youth groups, church groups etc in their community to explore what activities the generations can enjoy together.

Rose Lodge - Lisburn
Staff and residents held a Christmas Sing-a-Long and Tonagh Primay School P2's  pre-recorded a lovely song which was included in their zoom session.  Parents were encouraged to log in with their children for the Sing-a-Long.

Phoenix Healthcare Clinic - Newtownards
Covid restrictions have continued to have an impact on activity however staff continue to make links for the future.  They have made connections with the local West Winds Community Church and Kindergarten Kids to explore a variety of activities together, including growing sunflowers and using bird feeders to learn about birds and nature together.

Newcroft Lodge - Holywood
The residents linked up with their local Holywood Primary School to exchange letters & cards at Christmas and also linked into  each others carol services.  There are a number of plans for activities in 2022 including a reminiscence and baking activity around Valentine’s Day.  Some lovely photos available here

For more information on this project visit the main page or contact Lynne.bennett@bjf.org.uk
