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An Age-friendly School Project

Develop better links with older people in the area while promoting Cregagh Primary School as a hub for intergenerational engagement.

This project commenced in April 2014 with funding from the Belfast Health Development Unit as part of their grant scheme designed to reduce social isolation.

The purpose of the project is to run a pilot programme with Cregagh Community Association to promote the idea of an age-friendly school and to develop better links with older people in the area while promoting Cregagh Primary School as a hub for intergenerational engagement. The project will focus on age-friendly images (creating a positive view of ageing), age-friendly lives (reducing life inequalities and isolation) and age-friendly neighbourhoods (creating friendly places to live).

Participants got to know each other through a ‘getting to know you’ session, a fun sports activity session (working in mixed age teams) and a joint lunch session before the end of term. Everyone is looking forward to meeting up for more joint age sessions in the future. This will include creative IT activities to enjoy together as well as learning about other joint interests, culminating in a celebration event.

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Project Resources

An Age-friendly School Project Report Cregagh Community

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