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Celebrating Age Grants Scheme 2016

LGNI small grants supporting 36 intergenerational activities across 11 council areas in Northern Ireland

Celebrating Age Small Grants 2016

We were delighted that the Public Health Agency has again supported our ‘Celebrating Age’ project this year, to mark 29th April, which is EU Day of Solidarity between Generations.

This year we supported 36 activities across the 11 new local council areas in Northern Ireland with a grant of up to £150 to enable community groups to host a celebration event/project/activity that will contribute to making Northern Ireland Age-friendly.

Over the week of the 29th April, our grantees held some wonderful events celebrating relationships between generations in neighbourhoods, workplaces, schools, care homes, community centres and youth groups. We saw some amazingly creative ways of making the link between generations – from Bollywood Dancing to drumming to generation games! We were delighted to work with all our partners to celebrate this important day and hope that the links created will continue to flourish!

#MakeTheLink Campaign 2016

We also used the EU Day of Solidarity between Generations to launch our ongoing campaign to encourage communities to #MakeTheLink between Generations and connect intergenerational practice with building age-friendly communities.

Linking Generations Northern Ireland’s vision is that Northern Ireland will be ‘age-friendly’ and generations will work together to build communities for all ages. We believe that bringing generations together is a catalyst for positive social change. Our experience has taught us that intergenerational practice promotes better understanding and respect between young and old, creates opportunities to share skills, is inspirational and addresses shared problems. It is also great fun!

To celebrate EU Day of Solidarity between Generations on 29th April 2016 we asked people to #MakeTheLink between generations: helping us spread awareness of the benefits of all ages working together and support the building of age-friendly communities in NI.

Thanks to all our supporters we were able to launch a ‘Thunderclap’ on social media with over 100 people sharing our message of solidarity between generations and taking the message out to politicians, decision makers and community groups that intergenerational practice is a great way to build stronger, happier and more connected communities.

Our #MakeTheLink campaign is ongoing so click below to find out how you can get involved

Project Gallery


Project Videos

Celebrating Age the Movie!

Find out what inspiring and fun activities our groups got up to!

Make the Link Campaign support

The Mayor of Ards tells us why he's supporting the LGNI #MakeTheLink Campaign!

Project Resources

Celebrating Age Evaluation Report 2016

Read the full evaluation report of the Celebrating Age 2016 small grants including the activities of the groups involved and the outcomes and impact of the work

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