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Bangor Intergenerational Arts Project underway!

29 January 2024

Bangor Intergenerational Arts Project underway!

LGNI's Lynne B has been working hard to develop a new link between Caremarks Dementia Cafe and Bloomfield Primary School Bangor.

Bangor Caremark Memory Café  will link up with Bloomfield Primary School, Bangor to engage in LGNI's 'Arty Generations' project funded by the Arts Council Arts for Older People Programme.

The intergenerational arts sessions will take place in The Bangor Elim Church alongside the existing monthly Bangor Caremark Memory café attended by those with Dementia and Parkinsons disease and their family/friends/supporters/carers.  Pupils from Bloomfield Primary School will be welcomed to these monthly sessions to build relationships with the older people and enjoying arts activities.

Lynne from LGNI enjoyed meeting the café members and their family members at the recent January café session.  Next steps are a Dementia Awareness session for the pupils before the older attendees and a small group of pupils will meet each month to have fun  exploring  different art mediums  together and make and take away  creations that day.

This exciting project will be Facilitated by local artist Trisha McNally and is  commencing in February 2024

For more information on the overall Arty Generations Project and the other groups involved check out Arty Generations Project – Linking Generations NI
