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LGNI host the latest CIC UK partner meeting!

25 June 2024
LGNI were delighted to host our latest #CICNLCF UK partnership meeting last week with Generations Working Together (lead) and Intergenerational - Apples and Honey Nightingale
It was amazing to catch up on the fantastic #intergenerational work happening across the UK as part of this project and to discuss our exciting next steps!
As part of this exciting project LGNI are supporting settings and practitioners across NI to pilot and test new Quality Indicators for #intergenerational practice.
Alongside LGNI intergenerational training, NI pilot projects will be supported with training on how to use the indicators to self reflect and evaluate their intergenerational activities. Special thanks goes to our Belfast City Council Age Friendly officer, Joanna Holland, who granted the use of their council building meeting venues across the two day meeting.
Through this project LGNI and our UK partners aim to support the development of locally driven Quality and Sustainable intergenerational activities!
Check out our project page to see what's been happening in NI and whose involved ? UK Creating Intergenerational Communities Project – Linking Generations NI
We strongly believe that this project, its approaches and resources will form the basis of the building of intergenerational excellence across the UK and an #Agefriendly NI
Thanks so much to everyone involved and to our funders The National Lottery Community Fund
