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Creating Intergenerational Connections Project

This project supported by the Halifax Foundation will enable LGNI to develop four new intergenerational connections between community, care and education settings.

Creating Intergenerational Connections Project

LGNI are delighted to have receiving funding support of £4850 from the Halifax Foundation!  This funding will enable LGNI staff to develop intergenerational connections between community, care and education settings.

The aim is to connect four settings that support older with four settings that support younger people for intergenerational activities.

LGNI staff are responsible for:

  • Identifying the settings
  • Developing connections between relevant staff in settings
  • Delivering Dementia Awareness Training to younger people
  • Consulting with all involved as to their interests/abilities/needs
  • Supporting project and activity planning
  • Evaluating impact of connections

The participating groups settings are:

  • Laurelhill Community College & Laurelhill Care Home
  • Bloomfield Collegiate & Johnston Court
  • Currie Primary School & Camberwell Court
  • St Oliver Plunkett Primary School & Louisville Nursing Home

LGNI are really excited to see the activities that all new intergenerational pairings get up too!

Watch this space and check out relevant New item links!

Laurelhill College Pupils link up with Laurelhill Care Home Residents! – Linking Generations NI

Bloomfield Collegiate Pupils link up Johnston Court Tenants – Linking Generations NI




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